Meet Cianna Stacy who is Fryeburg Area Rotary Club's Citizen of the Month for May.
"Desmond Tutu said, "Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelms the world". This quote encompasses Molly Ockett's 8th grade Rotary student of the month of May, Cianna Stacy! Cianna is a kind, considerate young woman who is always willing to help her classmates and teachers. She puts forth great effort in her class assignments and always looks to exceed the required expectations while encouraging other to do their best as well. She always strives to do her best and works through challenges with a positive attitude. she is often the first to volunteer for ay task and is always an eager participant in any activity. Cianna is a natural helper and a wonderful example for her classmates. In addition to being an outstanding student, Cianna is wonderful friend to her classmates and a gifted athlete with a passion for playing multiple sports. Thank you Cianna for your diligence, hard work and admirable character. Congratulations and good luck in your future endeavors.